Contact Us for a Free Consultation (903) 758-5200

Case Results

Assault on a Public Servant- Jury Trial- Not Guilty

Our client was accused of assaulting a female police officer and resisting arrest when another officer came to her aid, most of which was caught on audio from a nearby police vehicle. After a 2 day trial, we were able to prove that the officer not only disliked our client but was not acting lawfully when she tried to arrest him for an outstanding warrant and also suspiciously lost evidence. Our client was found not guilty before a shocked courtroom.

Contact Us Today!

If you are facing criminal accusations in state or federal court, contact us today. We provide the aggressive defense necessary to protect you and your freedom. If you have been arrested for DWI, you have only 15 days from the date of your arrest to preserve your right to fight for your driver’s license.


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